Here are the before images of the squares that needed to be fixed:
In all there were 9 squares to be fixed. I undid the seams between squares and re-crocheted new squares to put in their places. Here are some photos of it finished.
I don't know if the original main color was off-white to begin with or got that way with age, but trying to match it was near impossible, so instead I used straight white for the main color on my squares. This way you can see the old ones vs. the new ones. I like it this way, then my cousin can know which ones I did and the ones our great-grandmother did.
This week I also started & finished a little dog as an order for my friend Sarah. Here is that little guy, I think I will name him Hudson. He is a Fresh Stitches pattern and oh so cute. Done in Bernat Super Value in Walnut and a mystery Marden's dark chocolate brown.
Checking in with Tami's Amis.