Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WIP Wednesday, 5.30.12

Woohoo! Another WIP Wednesday! For an awfully gray morning I am quite bright eyed and cheery! Looking forward to a day full of Crochet and Photos (editing, dropping off, and meeting with a client)!

So what do I have going today...
I could totally see this picture spinning and spinning and spinning as the beginning or end of a low budget zombie movie filmed entirely in a dark, creepy sepia tone. 

One of these little guys is for my SIL and another is one that was sold on Etsy. I may or may not have done a little dance around a bonfire when I opened my email and saw that one had sold...

Hoping to get these guys finished today and get a little Dino Cop started! 

I know in knitting it is considered "casting on" when you are starting a project/piece of a project. Is that the same for crochet??

Also on a side note, I went to help out my dad with some marketing for his gallery yesterday and also visited his store, where I have some of my first ever amigurumi's on sale. HOLY COW have I come a long way! I am almost embarrassed to be selling those ones now! I know I am the only one who sees it this way. It is awesome to see the progress though. 

So what are you working on this week? Follow along with other WIPs with the creator of WIP Wednesday Tami over at Tami's Amis!

PSSSSTTTTT..... Missing Henry from this week's WIP???? You will have to check back on Friday then for FO Friday (YAYYYY!!!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

To-Do Tuesday, 5.29.12

An update for the To-Do Tuesday, gives an idea of what's on the list, what is slow going, what is getting done, and what I need a kick in the ass to get working on! What's on your To-Do List?

Crochet Queue
• Zombie Kitty (Check him out!)
• Dragon (Are you ready to see him??? Well you will have to wait for FO Friday this week!)
• Zombie Kitty x2
• Dino Cop
• Boy & Girl Baby Stuffies, only requirement is cute (What type of animal should I do??)
• Owl
• Pig
• Duck
• Giraffe
• Hippo
• Liam's blanket
• Rag Rug (from t-shirts/sheets)
• Crochet Clock {like these}
• Square Curtains (will have to find the pattern for these again...)
• Wool Eater out of my scraps {found here}
• Floor Poof from scraps to use at the Studio for Infant Poses

• Photograph plants that aren't doing well, bring to Gammon's (In Progress)
• Dishes (Will they ever end?)
• Laundry
• Clean Floors
• Clean Counters & Stove top
• Clean out Fridge
• Take trash to Dump
• Buy Plane Tickets

• Post Elouise to Etsy
• Work on Joe & Julie's Wedding Photos

• Mara's Birthday Present -- Got a new idea for this, it includes a doily, now just need to find one.

What's on your To-Do list? I will check in next week to give an update!

Friday, May 25, 2012

FO Friday, 5.25.12, First one!

Yay! My first Finish Off Friday!

I was hoping I would be able to share a finished Henry with you but alas I had to frog his front legs and start them over. Bummer too because I was almost done with the second one! He is one toe, one foot and two wings from being finished.


I have, however, finished Spencer the Zombie Kitty. A co-worker asked me to make one for her sons birthday. He was originally going to be just a plain old kitty, but a Google image search for crocheted cat had a zombie one in the mix, she was sold!

Spencer was quick to work up. I wasn't really a fan of him at first, zombies really aren't my thing—neither are cats for that matter—but once I worked up his face and assembled him I found him awfully adorable (for a zombie...)

I even went and made a little brain to go with him. One image posted on Facebook & twitter (@katelavin) and I have two more orders! Who knew zombies and kittys were a winning combination?

You can have your very own too! Just visit my Etsy shop!

Spencer was also the first one I did a photo shoot for using a simple white backdrop, what a difference it makes!

What did you finish this week? Follow others here at Tami's Amis.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WIP Wednesday • 5.23.12

Nice Legs!

Not much has changed on the Henry front. Had a lot of life/work stuff going on that took away my crochet time. Seemed like there was a party/event every day this weekend! I also started Fifty Shades of Grey. Not the best book to start when you have stuff to do.... so hard to put down!

However I did get the muzzle/belly spot done for Henry (the black under him isn't his shadow) as well as worked on his hind legs. I like the way the toes came out, but reminds me that I need a pedicure stat! Can't have his toes looking better than mine now that it's filp-flop season!

Also started Spencer, the Zombie Kitty this week. Why isn't he listed as a WIP? Well because he's done! Started and finished him super quick! So cute it's scary :-) You will see him for FO Friday (my first ever!!! Yay!!!) As well he will have his own post with photos and story once he stops eating brains enough so that I can get a photo shoot done!

Still working on my non-crochet WIP—editing & enhancing the photos from Joe & Julie's wedding. Will post some previews over at KaitLavinPhoto once I have some "favorites"!

What have you been up to? Follow along with other WIP Wednesday peeps and visit the creator over at Tami's Ami's Blog! Do you think Henry/Henrietta will be done for FO Friday?? I hope so!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

To-Do Tuesday, 5.22.2012

An update for the To-Do Tuesday, gives an idea of what's on the list, what is slow going, what is getting done, and what I need a kick in the ass to get working on! What's on your To-Do List?

Crochet Queue
• Zombie Kitty (In Progress: Looks like he will be done tonight! Just need to stuff and attach his head and attach his arms! Probably won't even hit a WIP Wednesday as he has come together so quickly. You will see him for FO Friday! His name is Spencer)
• Dragon (In Progress: Body & back scales are done and attached, face and underbelly are done, just needs some legs/arms and wings! May be my first FO Friday post...)
• Owl
• Pig
• Dino Cop
• Duck
• Giraffe
• Liam's blanket
• Rag Rug (from t-shirts/sheets)
• Crochet Clock {like these}
• Square Curtains (will have to find the pattern for these again...)
• Wool Eater out of my scraps {found here}

• Photograph plants that aren't doing well, bring to Gammon's (In Progress: Have the photos taken, going in to Gammons tomorrow to see what can be done!)
• Dishes (Will they ever end?)
• Laundry
• Clean Floors
• Clean Counters & Stove top
• Clean out Fridge
• Take trash to Dump
• Buy Plane Tickets

• Post Elouise to Etsy
• Work on Joe & Julie's Wedding Photos

• Mara's Birthday Present -- Got a new idea for this, it includes a doily, now just need to find one.

What's on your To-Do list? I will check in next week to give an update!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

WIP Wednesday, 5.16.12

Hello & Welcome to my 2nd Work-in-Progress Wednesday Post!

Henry is coming along great! He really turned into a dragon yesterday! He also may have turned into a girl as with the color scheme and the way I attached his/her nostrils (parallel to the top of the nose as opposed to perpendicular) has him looking a little feminine.

I notice that I get WAY more done on my crochet projects on my days off.... Go figure. This just makes me wish I had the means to quit to crochet. Any suggestions on how to make a hobby of crochet into a full-time job?

What do you think, Henry or Henrietta?

Another, non-crochet WIP is editing & enhancing the photos from Joe & Julie's wedding that I shot on Saturday. Will post some previews over at KaitLavinPhoto once I have some "favorites"!

What have you been up to? Follow along with other WIP Wednesday peeps and visit the creator over at Tami's Ami's Blog! Do you think Henry/Henrietta will be done for FO Friday?? I hope so!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

To-Do Tuesday, 5.15.12

An update for the To-Do Tuesday, gives an idea of what's on the list, what is slow going, what is getting done, and what I need a kick in the ass to get working on! What's on your To-Do List?

Crochet Queue
• Dragon (In Progress: Body & back scales are done and attached, hope to get a HUGE chunk of him done these next few days!)
• Duck
• Zombie Kitty
• Owl
• Pig
• Giraffe
• Liam's blanket (new)
• Rag Rug (from t-shirts/sheets)
• Crochet Clock {like these}
• Square Curtains (will have to find the pattern for these again...)
• Wool Eater out of my scraps {found here}

• Photograph plants that aren't doing well, bring to Gammon's (In Progress: Have the photos taken, and have the email, will send them today!)
• Laundry
• Clean Floors
• Clean Counters & Stove top
• Clean out Fridge
• Take trash to Dump
• Laundry
• Dishes

• Post Elouise to Etsy
• Business Cards - Cards are designed, ordered and on the way to me!

• Mara's Birthday Present

What's on your To-Do list? I will check in next week to give an update!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WIP Wednesday

So I am new to Crochet, taught myself how January of this year. And I am very new to blogging about crochet, my first post was yesterday! However I have been reading some crochet blogs for a few weeks now and wanted to join in the fun!
The first blog I started reading was FreshStiches -- I found that she has two segments every week that I wanted to be a part of, WIP (Work-in-Progress) Wednesday and FO (Finish Off) Friday. Which it looks like both ideas actually originated from another blog, Tami's Amis. I love how on Tami's WIP Wednesday posts there is a spot where you can enter in your info and be included in her WIP list -- just another way to get the name out there and meet other super cool crochetaholics!

So anywho... On to my very first WIP Wednesday post!
I am working on JJ the Fire Dragon for one of my husbands co-workers.

I name/rename all my amigurumi's while working on them or once finished, sometimes I will imagine up a story for them too while I am hooking. So JJ is now Henry. I started Henry on Monday and find the pattern easy to read. I was nervous about using such a small hook (c2), but am actually really pleased with it! The movements are smaller and it goes through the yarn nicely. I also like the tight fabric it creates with all those single crochets! I broke down and bought a comfort cushion as my hands aren't quite broken in and can get sore. Pretty sure I will be getting many more of these! The difference is amazing! No more sore fingers!!

Henry is coming along well, I hope to get a bunch done tomorrow on my one day off this week. Spent about two hours with him today and he went from this:
 To this:

He is going to be much larger than I had expected! However with all the purple (I am using Red Heart Sport in Purple) I'm surprised I didn't name him Barney. Maybe he's Barney's troublesome younger brother... and so the story begins!

Thanks again to FreshStiches for introducing me to WIP Wednesdays and for Tami's Amis for the concept and links to other WIP Wednesdays!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

To-Do Tuesday, 5/8/12

Yup, I'm a list addict. Here is my To-Do for Tuesday, May 8th.

Crochet Queue
• Dragon
• Duck
• Zombie Kitty
• Owl
• Pig
• Giraffe
• Rag Rug (from t-shirts/sheets)
• Crochet Clock {like these}
• Square Curtains (will have to find the pattern for these again...)
• Wool Eater out of my scraps {found here}

• Laundry
• Dishes
• Photograph plants that aren't doing well, bring to Gammon's

• Post Elouise to Etsy
• Business Cards

What's on your To-Do list? I will check in next week to give an update!