I was hoping I would be able to share a finished Henry with you but alas I had to frog his front legs and start them over. Bummer too because I was almost done with the second one! He is one toe, one foot and two wings from being finished.
I have, however, finished Spencer the Zombie Kitty. A co-worker asked me to make one for her sons birthday. He was originally going to be just a plain old kitty, but a Google image search for crocheted cat had a zombie one in the mix, she was sold!
Spencer was quick to work up. I wasn't really a fan of him at first, zombies really aren't my thing—neither are cats for that matter—but once I worked up his face and assembled him I found him awfully adorable (for a zombie...)
I even went and made a little brain to go with him. One image posted on Facebook & twitter (@katelavin) and I have two more orders! Who knew zombies and kittys were a winning combination?
You can have your very own too! Just visit my Etsy shop!
Spencer was also the first one I did a photo shoot for using a simple white backdrop, what a difference it makes!
What did you finish this week? Follow others here at Tami's Amis.
Very cute!