Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Year of Projects, Week 11

Year of Projects List
• Floor Poof
• Mom's Wrap (Christmas)
• T-Shirt rag rug
• Crochet clock
• Yarn bomb something
• Crochet dress for Adult Prom 2013 (June 2013)
• Purple Stitch Project (In Progress)
• Liam's Blanket (June 2012) (In Progress)
• Carson's Blanket (November 2012)

And the first finished YOP project is....

.....drumroll please.....

..... The Papillon Scarf for the Purple Stitch Project! It is currently being blocked. I will have my husband take some photos of me with it once he wakes up. I made it around 40" long as it's for a child. I also added some tassels. I really like how it came out and will use this pattern again, it is very simple to memorize the repeats. This was my first attempt at blocking, I don't have any blocking pads, but I do have a blanket over the foot of the chaise lounge that KC has claimed that worked just as well. It grew from 3" wide to 4" wide. I will check the length once it is done. Stay tuned for photos!

I also picked out the pattern and ordered the yarn for Carson's blanket. It came in the other day but I haven't started on it yet as I am waiting for my ball winder to arrive so I can ball these skeins up.

There is this Fiber Arts College in Searsport every year. This was the first I had heard of it, and it was too late for me to get the days off. However, my mom lives 20 minutes from there and she went. They have vendors & classes. She took some classes and I asked her to talk to some spinners about spinning dog hair & she got some good leads for me! I will start collecting KCs brushings and hopefully have some yarn spun from her soft soft fur. (Maybe make the Akita Amigurumi from it.....???) Next year, I will take the days off and go with my mom for sure!

UPDATE: Papillon Photos:

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