Year of Projects List
• Floor Poof
• Mom's Wrap (Christmas)
• T-Shirt rag rug
• Crochet clock
• Yarn bomb something
• Crochet dress for Adult Prom 2013 (June 2013)
• Liam's Blanket (June 2012) (In Progress)
• Carson's Blanket (November 2012)
Nothing has really gotten done this week on any YOPs. Finished up an Owl for my aunt and working on a Giraffe for my coworker but other than that just worked, worked, worked this last week. It showed in my paycheck too. Working hourly + holiday pay + overtime meant I ended up making more than my husband, that's a first :-)
I love your scarf, it's so cute! And boo for working, but yay for money!