Wednesday, July 18, 2012

WIP Wednesday, 7.18.12

So I really thought this guy was going to skip being a WIP post. I am so close to completion that I can taste it! However, last night as I was finishing him up I sewed his leg to the bottom of his foot instead of the top so he had two left feet. If I hadn't made one toe bigger than the other two this wouldn't have been a problem, but I did, cus, well, it's cute that way! After a bit of cursing and the ever-so-smart husband saying, "Maybe that means it's time to stop crocheting and go to bed", I gave it up and he is still a WIP -- not for long though!!!!

Check back on Friday to hear more about this little guy :-)

Because some of my Year in Projects projects have some tricky patterns I decided to get the Crochet Sampler Cowl workshop on I started it yesterday and this is what I have so far. 

I also HAVE to share the yarn score I got last night! I posted this photo to my Facebook page as I went to the LYS (Quiltessentials) and got some very nice Cascade yarn (nicest yarn I have bought to date) for the Purple Stitch Project, they even gave me a discount as it was for the PSP! 

So my friend Amie saw this post and told me that Marden's was just putting out a slew of yarn. If you've never been to or even heard of Marden's, let me tell you, it's always an experience! It is a surplus and salvage store, so a warehouse has water damage, Marden's will buy up what's still good, a company makes too much of something, Marden's will buy it. Then they will sell it for SUPER cheep!!! You can get most anything there, furniture, clothing, food, flooring, appliances, however the slogan is "You should have bought it, when you saw it, at Marden's" and that is so the case because stuff doesn't stay there long and who knows what's going to come in next! So I jumped off the couch last night after seeing that comment and went back into town. So glad I did though! I spotted some boxes that still hadn't been unpacked that said Coats on it so I know it's all Red Heart yarn, and man was there a ton of it! I really should have taken a photo now that I think of it...... But at least I got a photo of what I bought! I tried to look up the style #s online but couldn't find anything. My guess is that this is probably $100 worth of yarn. I paid $30!!! The best thing is that I got the yarn for 3 projects on my YOP list!!

So that's been my week so far (well mostly just my yesterday). What have you got for WIPs? Show your stuff over at Tami's Amis. You know I will be!


  1. That little guy is.... will you please give him a hug from me:) He is cute! Your yarn looks yummy, it sounds like a good buy!:) Looking forward to your projects.
    By the way: you asked me about the purple pouf. I wrote a tutorial about how you can make such a pouf. If you are interested, I posted links in the answer to your question on my blog. Thank you for visiting and your comment!

  2. All I am going to say is that I am green with envy. I need a store like that here.

  3. How cute it your little knitted guy! Too sweet! Looking forward to seeing it finished on Friday.
